On The Go OTG3NTP3M Portable Water Softener

Which is the best on the go water softener?

Recharging A portable Water Softener..On The Go Water Softener RN – RV Chronicles Water softener guy conforming to Watersoftenerguy. The strong types of water softeners are still dominated by the salt market water softeners that make expensive homes that work hard. Best water system in agreement with Thewatersoftener.

Is there a fully automatic 3m water softener?

One-of-a-kind fully automatic hard water to soft water converter, with automatic regeneration, 3M Water Softener is a minimal maintenance sleek product that gives you soft, quality water throughout your house, without any effort.

How to make a park portable water softener?

– Four full 26 oz. boxes of iodized/non-iodized salt for the Park Model Softener. – Pour salt into the softener. – Mix salt with warm water and pour the solution into the softener. – Pour salt into the softener while periodically pouring water slowly over it with a cup.

How does a portable water softener system work?

Some of the softening systems work by pumping the clean water into the RV’s water tank, while others come with their own reservoir. Many of the portable systems for water softening require no electricity and directly connect to fresh water supply. Then the addition of salt provides the necessary ions for softening.


Just right for RV and marine use, this On The Go water softener is superbly portable and very compact so it will take up little space. It’s also extremely easy to use and hassle-free. This design is unique (with a patent pending) and gives 8,000-grains of water softening capability. You can move it around and store it without any problems. Adding salt for regeneration has been made easy thanks to the extra-large mouth opening. It also has a 360° swivel on the inlet together with a high-flow shut-off control valve which facilitates a slow rinse. This also makes it super easy to connect the inlet hose.

Despite its small size, this unit can cope with high flow rates and will produce hardly any drop in pressure. When you need to carry out a quick back-flush, you can use the quick-reverse connection and get the job done in minutes. It comes with a high-pressure 4 foot drinking hose and a pack of hard water test strips. To regenerate, you simply need a box of common table salt and it takes 15 minutes or less.


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